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Increase Your Brain Power


Reading is a tool that we all need to use more efficiently if we want to increase the power of our brains. Stine brings to the attention three very bad habits that readers generally do and eventually get discouraged from fruitful reading experiences just by them. Readers should avoid:

1- Sub vocalization which is a phenomenon that leads to slow reading. This happens when readers say the words in their heads while reading. Whenever readers take longer than supposed to in finishing reading content, they lose interest in continuing. To avoid getting bored from reading, do not sub vocalize while reading.

2- Word-for-word reading as it prevents readers from seeing the whole picture and causes them to lose track of the full context of the reading passage. To avoid that, a reader should transition from being a one word at a time reader to become a one phrase at a time reader.

3- Regression or backtracking which is the worst of all. Regression happens when readers go back to previous words or phrases and re-read them to ensure they were read correctly in the first place. This is initiated from the lack of confidence and does not bring any good to the reading experience. It impairs reader’s capability to grasp the full meaning of the reading passage.

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